Sidecar mmWave Module
The Sidecar mmWave Module attaches directly to the Characterization Platform and provides frequency up-conversion, amplification, and gain control. Frequency bands are targeted for testing Ka-band devices at frequencies between 26 – 40GHz.
Combining with the RF SMART or Quantum SMART fixture creates a single channel ovenized RF test chamber. This standalone integral software and hardware platform is capable of functioning as an independent single-channel or virtual multi-channel characterization test subsystem. The platform is USB controlled to provide temperature, RF-signal, and bias-control to a device under test (DUT) for semiconductor performance measurement.

Key Features
Compact footprint is ideal for benchtop setups, such as RF measurement and thermal characterization (e.g. IR or Thermoreflectance)
Made for Ka-band mmWave testing, available in micro-bands from 26 - 40GHz
Integrated Ka-band Coupler for precision input signal monitoring
RF Drive Level +20dBm standard with SSPA option up to +35dBm (band specific)
DC Input +/-15V, 0 to +10V Gain Control
Software-controlled using the Accel-RF LifeTest or USBControl programs via USB interface