RF SMART Fixture


The Accel-RF SMART Fixture is the industry standard test fixture for performing RF Accelerated Life Testing (RF-ALT) and RF High Temperature Operational Life tests (RF-HTOL).  This flexible test platform supports both pulsed and non-pulsed operation. It employs SMA input/output connections. For RF output powers over 50W, an N-type connector is used to replace the SMA connector for higher power-handling capability.  The gold-plated copper block where the Device Under Test (DUT) mounts is in the center area and houses the integrated heater core. The outer part of the fixture is designed to stay relatively cool. With the DUT baseplate at 300°C, the outer area will be less than ~80°C.


The built-in pulse circuitry supports pulse widths down to 10us, with periods from 30us to 1ms. Synchronized pulsing of the Bias1, Bias2, and RF signals is fully programmable via the LifeTest software.

Key Features

Support for over two dozen commercially available device package types

Fixture is easily configurable by the user to switch between different Input/Output circuits and mechanical package types

Wide frequency response and capable of testing at high RF drive levels

Integrated pulse generator capable of sequenced pulsing for the gate, drain, and RF signals

Test over a wide temperature range with a maximum baseplate temperature of 300°C

Software-controlled via USB interface and the Accel-RF LifeTest or USBControl software

RF SMART Fixture

Options and Accessories

  •  Custom impedance matching circuits
  • Wideband Bias Tees
  • 50Ω MMIC Circuits
  • SMA
  • N-Type
  • 2.92mm