Multi-Channel Benchtop DC-HTOL
The Multi-Channel Benchtop DC Accelerated Life Test System is an integrated software and hardware platform capable of functioning as an independent 12-channel or virtual multi-channel characterization test subsystem. This flexible platform offers an unparalleled ability to simultaneously test a large number of devices over a wide array of DC bias settings and at elevated temperature ranges, and is ideal for long-duration semiconductor high-temperature operating life (HTOL) or accelerated life test (ALT) measurement.
Each device-under-test (DUT) is individually and independently controlled for DC bias stimulus. Testing at an elevated temperature, up to 300oC, is calibrated to the DUT baseplate and is precisely controlled throughout the test duration by proprietary software and hardware embedded in the platform. The system is capable of data extraction to the device channel or junction temperature if thermal-resistance is known from the baseplate to the channel/junction. The benchtop platform is compatible with Accel-RF’s AARTS LIFETEST product line and will accept any standard test fixtures utilized in a DC-AARTS reliability test system.

Key Features
Flexible benchtop solution that can be cascaded with multiple units to gradually build channel capacity
Independently user-defined Pulsed DC Bias of the gate/base and drain/collector
Improved mechanical/thermal design allows higher temperature testing up to 300°C to reduce overall test time
Utilizes the industry-standard Accel-RF RF-Ready DC Fixture
Interface to standard power supplies or precision characterization instruments, such as a Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer (SPA)
Support for over two dozen commercially available device package types