The DC Automated Accelerated Reliability Test Station (AARTS) systems are designed to maximize channel density. The first systems developed by Accel-RF were intended for RF and DC stimulus, but some applications do not require the RF component. A large number of devices (up to 96 in a 3-bay system) can run simultaneously with independent bias supplies over a wide range of temperatures. This turnkey test system is capable of fully automated tests powered by the industry-standard LifeTest software.

Key Features
Various channel capacity configurations (from 12 up to 96 are standard)
Innovative fixture design provides appropriate impedances for RF devices over a wide temperature range while supporting over two dozen commercially available packages
Range of DC bias supply options, from high resolution/low power supplies for small devices (GaAs HBT, SiGe) to 400W per channel for high power RF devices (GaN, LDMOS)
Supports integration of external characterization instruments, such as Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers